Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Drug Wars

The Drug Wars

Check it out. I know it's a sensitive topic for a lot of people, but believe me, it's not promoting drug user or anything. I have been involved and believing in the Harm Reduction standpoint of drug use for quite some time. I think it's a much better policy to adopt when dealing with drug use, simply because it will be impossible to eradicate drugs completely and/or convince everyone to stop using them completely. Because of that, it's smarter to help people stay safe, prevent over-dosing, prevent the spread of blood-borne diseases, and to ultimately keep people alive.

I'll be posting about any interesting articles I can find in the news, whether in the paper or online, and will update anytime I find one. If that's multiple times a day, so be it, but I will update at least once a day.

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